17 August 2007

e-Learning Implementation Strategies

While we experienced some frustrations with a very large ppt file when the software fell over, Clint was able to draw our attention to six different types of e-Learning currently being implemented:

    Distance education
    Web in classroom
    Blended facilitated learning
    Virtual classroom
    Digital campus

From our team's responses, blended facilitated learning seems to be the most widely used although it was interesting to see a few of the other types being tried as well.

Of course, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework's Designing e-Learning project is a real winner - congrats to Clint and his team. If designing programs and strategies it is the perfect resource. Check it out at http://designing.flexiblelearning.net.au/. Here's a glimpse at the front page -

Sadly the presentation fell over just as we were getting to the strategic stuff - analysing the context and preparing business cases (don't we all love doing that). Despite the jest, it is the most critical aspect of implementing e-learning - too often technologies are introduced without thinking about relevance to the context and the client. Hopefully Clint will come back to share the rest of his valuable experience with us.

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